Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin Extravaganza!

Students used their estimating skills in determining the weight, circumference, and number of seeds of different sized pumpkins. They came to the conclusion that there was no correlation between the size of the pumpkin and the number of seeds. Thanks to some wonderful parents that volunteered to help the event was a success!

Water Investigations

Students have been performing different investigations with water to discover their properties. They have learned that water flows down a slope, it will flow faster down a steep slope, and bigger drops of water will flow faster. They also learned cold water is denser than room temperature water when they observed a blue dyed ice cube melt to the bottom of a cup of room temperature water. Using a thermometer they discovered the temperature to be colder at the bottom of the cups which proved that cold water is denser. Students are enjoying the many water activities in the water unit!

Noun Search!

Students searched for nouns around the classroom. They realized first hand that most things are nouns in our classroom. Nouns are words that name a person, place, or thing. Students also learned the difference between common and proper nouns.